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Multiphase Flow Modelling


1 Interface Tracking Methods
 1.1 The general approach
 1.2 The VOF methodology
 1.3 The Level Set method
  1.3.1 The scheme
  1.3.2 Re-distancing scheme
  1.3.3 Fast-marching re-distancing
  1.3.4 Thin-film boundary conditions
  1.3.5 Marangoni effect
  1.3.6 Dynamic contact angle treatment
 1.4 Phase change modelling
  1.4.1 Direct phase change
  1.4.2 Correction of saturation temperature
  1.4.3 Correlation-based models
  1.4.4 Interface Mass Transfer (IMT)
2 Phase-Average Multi-phase Flow Modelling
 2.1 Ensemble-averaged Two-phase Flow Models
  2.1.1 Homogeneous Model
  2.1.2 Algebraic Slip Model
  2.1.3 Algebraic slip model with drag forces
  2.1.4 Algebraic slip model with drag and lift forces
  2.1.5 Wall lubrication force
  2.1.6 Turbulent dispersion
 2.2 Phase change modelling
  2.2.1 Phase change in the bulk
   Dispersed-phase phase change
   Interfacial phase change
   Cavitation models
   Sauer cavitation model
   Singhal cavitation model
   Implementation in TransAT
  2.2.2 Wall Heat Flux Modeling during Subcooled Nucleate Boiling
   General Formulation
   Single-Phase Heat Flux
   Evaporative Heat Flux
   Quenching Heat Flux
 2.3 Ensemble-averaged N-phase flow
  2.3.1 N-phase model
  2.3.2 Turbulence equations
 2.4 Mixture viscosity
  2.4.1 Suspension viscosity model
  2.4.2 Suspended drops or bubbles
  2.4.3 Solid suspensions
3 Particle Tracking Models
 3.1 Mathematical formulation
  3.1.1 Momentum equations
   Two-way Coupling
  3.1.2 Particle Angular momentum equation
  3.1.3 Temperature equation
 3.2 Particle Dispersion
  3.2.1 Langevin model
 3.3 Dense Particle Modelling
  3.3.1 Eulerian-Lagrangian dense particle model
  3.3.2 Four-way coupling modelling
   Collision/Contact Pressure Models
 3.4 Particle-boundary collision
  3.4.1 Hard sphere model
  3.4.2 Collision with wall boundary
  3.4.3 Collision with symmetry boundary
4 Hydrates Modelling
 4.1 Hydrate Formation Kinetics
  4.1.1 Finite Rate Kinetics
  4.1.2 Instantaneous Kinetics
 4.2 Hydrate Dissociation and Melting
  4.2.1 Instantaneous Hydrates Dissociation
  4.2.2 Heat Absorption
 4.3 Hydrate Rheology

Chapter 1
Interface Tracking Methods

1.1 The general approach

Interface Tracking Methods (ITM) are used for free-surface and interfacial flows which involve two or more immiscible fluids (e.g., liquid-liquid or liquid-gas systems) separated by sharp interfaces which evolve in time. Interface tracking/capturing schemes are methods that are able to locate the interface by capturing the interface by keeping track of the evolution of an appropriate field.

The formulation is based on solving a single set of transport equations for the whole computational domain and treating the two phases as a single fluid with variable material properties. Changes in these properties are taken into account by advecting the phase-indicator function χ(x,t):

∂-χ + uI∂-χ-= 0
 ∂t    j∂xj

where the interface velocity uI reduces in isothermal flow conditions (no phase change) to the local fluid velocity u.

Mass exchange terms and capillary forces are represented as momentum and energy sources, described as delta functions or smoothed gradients at or across the interface. The mass, momentum and energy balance equations for incompressible interfacial flow are written as

               --j- =  0                                           (1.2)
 ∂ρui-  -∂--            -∂--                      I
  ∂t  + ∂xj(ρuiuj)  =   ∂xj(- pδij + σij)+ ρgi + γκδ (ϕ)ni           (1.3)
                            (     )
ρCp∂T- + ρCpuj ∂T-- =   -∂-- λ ∂T-- + Q˙′′′                         (1.4)
    ∂t         ∂xj      ∂xj    ∂xj
where γ is the surface tension coefficient, κ is the interface curvature, n is the normal vector to the interface, δI is a smoothed Dirac delta function centered at the interface, T is the temperature, Cp is the heat capacity of the fluids, λ is the heat conductivity, and Q˙ is the volumetric heat source. Material properties are updated using χ:

 ρ(χ,t) =      χk ρk                              (1.5)
 μ(χ,t) =      χk μk                              (1.6)
            ∑   k k  k
C (χ,t) =   --∑χ-ρ-C-p                            (1.7)
 p              χkρk
            ∑    k k
 λ(χ,t) =      χ  λ                               (1.8)

1.2 The VOF methodology

The VOF approach relies on the definition of the liquid volume-fraction field occupied by one of the phases within volume V , and is conventionally denoted in a discrete form by Fijk:

        1  ∫
Fijk = V---    χ(x,t)dVijk
        ijk  Vijk

In the VOF context, Eq. (1.1), therefore, represents the evolution of the liquid volume-fraction, identifying flow regions containing pure liquid (where Fijk = 1) from pure gas flow regions (where Fijk = 0). Interfacial cells are such that 0 < Fijk < 1. The VOF method does not amount solely to the solution of:

∂F-     ∂F--
 ∂t + uj∂xj = 0

It requires accurate algorithms for advecting the volume fraction function so as to preserve the thickness of the interface. In order to keep the interface sharp a special advection scheme referred to as the Compressive Interface Capturing Scheme for Arbitrary Meshes (CICSAM) (Ubbink1997Ubbink & Issa1999) is used.

1.3 The Level Set method

1.3.1 The scheme

The Level Set approach (Osher & Sethian1988) consists in solving a hyperbolic equation:

∂ ϕ     ∂ ϕ
--- + uIj----= 0
 ∂t     ∂xj

to track the interface on a fixed Eulerian grid, where ϕ(x,t) is a smooth signed-distance function referring to the shortest distance to the front. Negative values correspond to one of the fluids and positive values to the other. The exact location of the interface corresponds to the zero level of ϕ. To update material properties like density, viscosity and thermal conductivity, a Heaviside function H(ϕ) is introduced and defined by

H(ϕ) =    0  if  ϕ < 0
          1  if  ϕ ≥ 0

This implies that ϕijk is linked in discrete form to the liquid volume fraction field Fijk through

        1  ∫
Fijk = V---    H  [ϕijk]dVijk
        ijk  Vijk

A modified Heaviside function denoted by H(ϕ) is employed to smooth the physical properties across an interface thickness of 2δ.

ρ (ϕ,t) = ∑  ρkH-(ϕ)


where Hk(ϕ) is the modified Heaviside function defined by

--     1 (         (2ϕ ))
H(ϕ) = -- 1 + tanh  ---
       2             δ

The same modified Heaviside function is concurrently employed to determine the surface tension.

1.3.2 Re-distancing scheme

As numerical errors cause the contours of the Level Set field to deform as the phase moves, a re-distancing algorithm is required to regularise the function: advecting the initial distance function ϕ(x,0) will not be maintained as such. An extra re-distancing algorithm preserving |∇ϕ| = 1 around the zero level of ϕ is required.

The scheme of Sussman et al. (1994) consists of advecting an intermediate equation for a correction field d(x,t) during a period of intermediate time ˜t :

∂d                ∂d
∂τ-= sgn (d0)(1 - |∂x--|) + Λi,j,kf (ϕ ) ≡ L (ϕ,d)+ Λi,j,kf(ϕ)

with sgn(ϕ) = 2H(x) - 1 denotes the signum function, d0(x,t) = ϕ(x,t), and

            ∫      ′
Λ    f(ϕ) = -Ω∫i,j,k H-(ϕ)L(ϕ,d)dΩi,j,k;  f(ϕ) = H ′(ϕ)∕∇ |ϕ |
  i,j,k         Ωi,j,k H ′(ϕ)f(ϕ)dΩi,j,k

The last term in the above expression is added to keep the bubble volume constant during the reinitialisation procedure. The equation is iterated until |∇d| = 1. The corrected ϕ–field is then obtained by setting ϕ(x,t) = d(x,ε), where ε is the time elapsed for Eq. (1.16) to reach convergence. In TransAT, Eq. (1.16) is solved after each advection step of the Level Set equation using the non-oscillatory (WENO) 3rd order scheme.

1.3.3 Fast-marching re-distancing

This is an extreme case of the narrow band method, in that the band in question is taken as a single cell. Of interest in Level Set methods is to preserve the normal distribution of the iso-contours of function ϕ(x) through the Eikonal equation:

|∇ ϕ| = f (x ); x ∈ R

with boundary conditions ϕ(x) = g(x),x Γ Rn. In the simplest case where the speed function f(x) is a constant, usually equal to one, then the solution of the Eikonal equation above will represent the shortest distance from a point x to the zero distance curve, usually given by Γ, that is if g(x) = 0. To construct an approximation to the Eikonal equation for a grid point x using the surrounding points xi, xn, first define the unit directional vector pointing from point xi to point x as Pi = (x-xi)||x-xi||. Then let vi(x) be the value of the approximate directional derivative in direction Pi and point x.

We then solve a quadratic equation for the distance ϕ(x) in the form

 T        2      T            T          2
(a  Qa)ϕ (x ) + (2a Qb )ϕ (x )+ (b Qb ) = f(x) = 1

where Q is defined as Q = (PPT )-1 and the vectors a and b by their respective constituents ai and bi. This equation is then solved to find two roots of which the largest one is taken as a possible new distance for ϕ(x). This new distance can only be accepted if the update comes from within the polygon spanned by x,xi,c,xn and if the calculated distance value is smaller than the old one. Thus we only update if ϕ(x) < ϕold(x).

1.3.4 Thin-film boundary conditions

For flows with very low Capillary numbers, there exists a thin water film between the gas phase and the wall. A thin-film boundary condition can then be defined. The viscosity at the film–boundary wall is set so as to satisfy the shear according to Couette flow. For a liquid film condition we get (see Fig. 1.1),


Figure 1.1: Sketch for thin-film boundary condition

         μ               μ
(uPi - uIi)--G = (uIi - uWi )-L
         δG              δL

The interface velocity (tangential to the wall) uI is then given as,

       PμG-   W  μL-
uI =  uiδG-+-ui--δL--
  i      μδGG+  μδLL-

The effective viscosity is then set according to the following equation,

  P    W  --μeff---    I    W  μL-
(ui - ui )(δG + δL ) = (ui - ui )δL

Or simplifying Eq. (1.22) we obtain,

μ    = μL-μG(δG-+-δL)
  eff   (μL δG + μG δL)

1.3.5 Marangoni effect

Marangoni force can be modelled, which will make the surface tension coefficient depend on temperature

          (Tcrit - T)
σ(T) = σ0(T------T-)
           crit    0

where, σ0 is the surface tension coefficient at temperature T0, and Tcrit is the temperature of the material at which surface tension is zero.

The thermo-capillary (Marangoni) contribution to the Navier-Stokes equation is the projection tangential to the interface of the shear stress generated by the temperature dependence of the surface tension and writes:

Fm = ∇. (∂σ-∇T )

1.3.6 Dynamic contact angle treatment

The treatment of wetting dynamics is based on the physical forces associated with triple lines (Friess & Lakehal2004Narayanan & Lakehal2006). An additional triple-line contact force (ci) is included in the momentum equation; this extended momentum equation provides a physically adequate description of wetting dynamics, eliminating the need for any particular boundary condition specifying the contact angle. The triple-line force (ci) is based on a consideration of interfacial free energy. Accordingly, it contains only two parameters: the interfacial tension between the fluids γ and the equilibrium contact angle θeq.

ci = γ (cos(θeq)- cos(θdy))δ bi

where θdy is the instantaneous dynamic contact angle, δt is a smooth Dirac delta function vanishing everywhere except near the triple lines, with the property that for any volume V , the integral V δtdV is equal to the length of the triple line segment contained in V , and b is the unit vector normal to the triple line and parallel to the wall surface. The triple-line force, is obtained by considerations similar to the derivation of Youngs Law and is referred to as the unbalanced Young force (De Gennes1985).

In addition, the shear stress is assumed to have a logarithmic profile as it nears the contact line (Qian et al.2004). At distances less than a slip length from the triple line, full slip is assumed. In the finite volume containing the triple line, the integrated shear stress is applied. The slip length is taken to be a small value 10-9. This formulation resolves the stress singularity that arises due to the no–slip boundary condition.

1.4 Phase change modelling

In the presence of phase change, equation (1.11) is rewritten

∂ϕ      ∂ϕ     ρ m˙′′||∂ϕ ||
∂t-+ uj∂x--=  --ρ-ρ- ||∂x-||
          j      l g    j

where ′′ stands for the mass transfer per unit area per unit time. A new source term also appear in the velocity divergence equation (1.2), which becomes

∂u      ′′ ( 1   1)     || ∂ϕ ||
---j= m˙   -- - --  δ(ϕ)||----||
∂xj        ρg   ρl       ∂xj

Finally, a new source term is added to the energy equation (1.4)

                          (     )
    ∂T-        -∂T-   -∂--   ∂T--    ˙′′′    ′′
ρCp  ∂t + ρCpuj∂xj =  ∂xj  λ ∂xj  + Q   - m˙ δ(ϕ)Δhlv

It now remains to model the mass transfer term ′′.

1.4.1 Direct phase change

When using direct phase change, mass transfer is given by the formula

m˙ =  L

q ⋅n = 2 λ (T - Tsat) δ(ϕ)

with L the latent heat.

1.4.2 Correction of saturation temperature

The saturation temperature can be locally adjusted to take into account the effect of curvature, using the equation

             (                  )
T   (x) = T    1+  F(ρ)κ(x)σ(x-)
  sat       sat           2L

where, F(ρ) = ρG-1 + ρL-1, κ is the local curvature, σ is the local surface tension coefficient, and L is the latent heat of phase change.

1.4.3 Correlation-based models

Different models are based on global correlation. In this case, local do not vary in space and time, but the global value will change because of the changes of interfacial area.They are all based on the same expression

      T  - T      N u λ  T  - T
˙m = h -sc---sat=  ---L-L--sc---sat
         L         LL,˙m      L

where NuL is the liquid Nusselt number, L is the latent heat and Tsat is the saturation temperature. Tsc and LL, are given parameters. NuL can be given by different correlations.

1.4.4 Interface Mass Transfer (IMT)

This section describes the interfacial mass transfer models that have been implemented in TransAT (Lakehal & Labois2011a). For the sake of simplicity, all of them will be written in the form

˙m-   --h---
u′ = ρCpu′ = f(P r∕Sc,Ret)

where is the mass transfer rate, h is the heat transfer coefficient, uis a characteristic velocity of the flow, Pr is the Prandtl number, Sc is the Schmidt number and Ret a turbulent Reynolds number.

A turbulent Reynolds number is needed for the interfacial mass transfer model. Several choices are available in TransAT:

Because they need the variables k and ε to be evaluated, ReT and Ry can be used only when the k -ε turbulence model is enabled. Otherwise, Re together with the surface renewal model will be used. The following table gives the available interfacial mass transfer models available for the different Reynolds numbers.

turbulence model Non-dimensional number available IMT model

k - ε Re T ”surfacedivg”,”SD_small_eddy,”SD_adaptive”,

k - ε Ry ”surfacedivg”,

k - ε, LES, Re ”surface_renewal”
laminar flow

Table 1.1: Interfacial mass transfer models available in TransAT.

Chapter 2
Phase-Average Multi-phase Flow Modelling

2.1 Ensemble-averaged Two-phase Flow Models

We consider a mixture of two incompressible phases. Thus, the following equations are solved (Drew & Passman1998):

∂ρm-   -∂--( m  m )
 ∂t  + ∂xj  ρ V j          =  0

   ∂α        ∂  (      )
ρG --G-+ ρG ---- αGVGj     =  S αG
   ∂t       ∂xj
  m   m                           m
∂ρ--Vi--+ -∂--(ρmV m Vm )  =  - ∂p-- + -∂--(2(μm + μT)Sm ) + Sdrift
   ∂t     ∂xj      i  j          ∂xi   ∂xj              ij     mom

 m  m ∂T m    m  m  m ∂T m     ∂ (  m ∂T m)     ′′′
ρ C p -∂t--+ ρ C p Vj -∂x--=  ∂x-- λ  ∂x--- +  ˙Q
                         j      j        j

where the subscript G denotes the gas phase, m denotes a mixture property, and T stands for mixture turbulent property. In the following, the subscript L will also be introduced for the liquid phase. αG is the gas volume fraction and ρm = αGρG + αLρL is the density of the mixture. V m is the velocity of the mixture, pm the mixture pressure, and Tm is the mixture temperature. SαG and Smomdrift stand for the source terms due to mass transfer and drift velocities in the mass and momentum equations, respectively.

The phasic ensemble averaged velocities split into mixture and drift velocities as follows,

       m     d
Vki = Vi + Vki

The mixture velocity is defined as follows:

Vm  = αG-ρGVG--+-αL-ρLVL-

From Eq. (2.4) it follows that,

Σkρk αkVkdi = 0

and the phasic drift velocities are related to each other by,

        (   )
  d       YG-   d
VLi = -   YL  VGi

where Y k = αkρk∕ρm is the mass fraction of the phase k. The slip velocity defined as V si = V Gi -V Li can be further related to the gas drift velocity as,

        d    d    VdG
Vsi = VGi - VLi = Y-i-

2.1.1 Homogeneous Model

In the homogeneous model, it is considered that both phases have the same velocity (Vkd = 0). The equations can then be simplified to,

   ∂αG- + -∂--(α V m )     =              S
    ∂t    ∂xj   G  j                       αG

∂ρmV mi     ∂  ( m  m  m )       ∂pm     ∂  (   m       m )
--∂t----+ ∂x-- ρ Vi V j    =  - ∂x--+  ∂x--2 (μ   + μT)Sij
            j                      i     j

Only the mixture equations are solved. The divergence of the mixture velocity is zero.

∂Vj--= 0

2.1.2 Algebraic Slip Model

In this case, an algebraic model is used to estimate the relative velocity between the two phases or between the mixture and the gas phase. Thus, several drift velocity models have been implemented. With this notation, the algebraic slip model (ASM) can be written as follows,

∂ρm     ∂ (      )
----+  ----ρmV jm  = 0
 ∂t    ∂xj

                (             )
ρ  ∂αG-+ ρ  -∂-- α  (Vm + V d ) = 0
 G  ∂t    G ∂xj   G   j     Gj

∂ρmV  m       ∂  (               YG       )     ∂pm     ∂
-----i-- +   ---- ρmV imVjm + ρm ---VdGiVdGj  = - ---- + ----(2(μm +  μT)Smij)
   ∂t        ∂xj                 YL              ∂xi   ∂xj
The divergence of the mixture velocity is given by,
∂Vmj--  ρG---ρL--∂--     d
∂xj  =    ρL   ∂xj(αGV Gj)

Models for gas drift velocity V Gd must now be derived.

2.1.3 Algebraic slip model with drag forces

Ishii & Mishima (1984) have written the drag-induced momentum transfer term as

        3    αGρL ||  d|| d
MG  = - 8-CD -R---|VG |VG

where CD is the drag coefficient and Rb the bubble radius.

Then, Manninen & Taivassalo (1996) derived from the conservation equations the following expression, neglecting diffusion terms due to turbulent fluctuations and assuming the local equilibrium.

MG  = αG   ρm    ∇p

From these equations, an expression for the gas drift velocity can be found, assuming that all bubbles have the same radius Rb.

  d     16--YLR2b--ρm---ρG-∂pm-
VGi = -  3 CdRebμL    ρm    ∂xi

where Reb = ρ ||V d||2R
    μL is the bubble Reynolds number. Introducing the friction factor F, the drag coefficient can be written

C   = -24-F
  D   Reb

and the drift velocity is rewritten

        2 YLR2 ρm - ρG ∂pm
V dGi = -------b------------
        9 F μL    ρm   ∂xi

Friction factor remains to be modelled. In the Stokes Regime, it is simply

F = 1

This model is adapted for very small bubbles Reynolds number, usually less than 2.

Schiller & Naumann (1933) proposed the friction factor coefficient as:

F  = 1+ 0.15Re0.b687.

Clift (cited in Crowe et al. (1998)) developed a model that is adapted to bubble Reynolds numbers up to 1000. In this model, friction factor is written

                         (            )
                         |            |
F =  1+ 0.15Re2∕3+ 0.015 || ---Reb-----||
              b          (    4.25104 )
                           1+  Re1.16

The model derived by Tomiyama (1998a) also takes into account the shape of the bubbles, using the Eötvös number Eo = |ρL---ρg|||g||(2Rb)2-
        σ, where ||g|| is the gravitational acceleration and σ the surface tension. The friction factor is then given (for highly contaminated system here):

         (                          )
                    0.687 1--Eo---
F = Max   1 + 0.15Re b   ,9Eo  + 4Reb

2.1.4 Algebraic slip model with drag and lift forces

The expression of the lift force is given by Drew & Passman (1998)

FL = - CLαG ρL (VL - Vg )∧ (∇  ∧ uL)

Momentum transfer term 2.14 can then be rewritten as

        3-   αG-ρL||  d|| d      αG-ρL  d
MG  =  -8 CD  Rb  |VG |VG - CL  YL  VG ∧ (∇ ∧ uL)

and solving this equation will give the gas drift velocity. In this expression, lift coefficient is still unknown. It can be taken as a constant, with values of 1
4 (Drew & Passman1998) or 1
2 (Drew & Lahey1987) proposed in the literature for bubbly flows. Tomiyama (1998b) derived a more complex model, in accordance with deformable bubbles correlation. It evaluates the long axis dH of a deformable bubble, and proposes to compute the lift coefficient based on this axis. The model can then be written

         |ρ  - ρ |||g||(2R  )2
 Eo   =  --L----g--------b--                           (2.25)
              (   σ           )
 dH   =  2Reb  1+ 0.163Eo0.757 1∕3                      (2.26)
         |ρ  - ρ |||g||d2
Eod   =  --L----g-----H-                               (2.27)
      ||{  Min (0.288tanh (0.121Reb ),                     )
C   =        0.00105Eo3d - 0.0159Eo2d - 0.0204Eod + 0.474 Eod < 4
  L   ||  0.00105Eo3d - 0.0159Eo2d - 0.0204Eod +  0.474        4 ≤ Eod < 10
      (  - 0.27                                           Eod ≥ 10

2.1.5 Wall lubrication force

When the lift force is used an unrealistic accumulation of small bubbles at the wall could appear. To counterbalance this effect an additional wall lubrication force is typically included. The expression of the wall lubrication force is given by Rzehak et al. (2012):

            α            [       ( yw )]
FW L = CW L -G-ρL|VdG|2nW  1 - exp  ---   ,
            YL                     Rb

where nW is the unit vector perpendicular to the wall, pointing into the fluid. The second part of the force was added to keep in account the fact that the lubrication force acts only close to the wall in a exponentially way and not at the center of the vessel. Momentum transfer term 2.14 can then be rewritten as:

                  |  |
        3-  αG-ρL | d|  d     αG-ρL  d
MG  = - 8CD   Rb  |V G|VG - CL  YL  V G ∧ (∇ ∧ uL )
                                                      αG ρL         [       ( yw) ]
                                                + CW L-----|VGd|2nW   1- exp   ---  .
                                                        YL                    Rb
In TransAT, different models are available. According to Antal et al. (1991), the expression of the CWL coefficient was derived based on calculation of the flow field around a two dimensional circular bubble in potential flow as:
           {   - 0.01   0.05}
CW L = max   0,------+ ----  .
                2Rb     yW

Based on the observation of single bubble trajectories, Tomiyama et al. (1995) proposed this formulation:

            ( Rb )
CW  L = CW    -2-  .

with the coefficient CW that depends on the Eotvos number. According to the Tomiyama formulation, the coefficient CW of the Eq. 2.32 is:

       || 0.47                 Eo < 1
       ||{  -0.933Eo+0.179
CW  =    e                   1 < Eo ≤ 5  .
       ||| 0.00599Eo  - 0.0187   5 < Eo ≤ 33
       |( 0.179                33 < Eo

Another correlation of the CW , depending on the Eotvos number, was proposed by Hosokawa et al. (2002) as:

CW L = 0.0217Eo.

Frank et al. (2004) generalized the Tomiyama model to produce the Frank Wall Lubrication force model, that is given by:

                 (                    )
                 |{              yW--  |}
                     1-- ---1---20Rb----
CW L = CW  ⋅max  |(0, 6.8 ⋅     (-yW--)0.7|)  ,
                         yW  ⋅ 20Rb

where CW is the coefficient defined in 2.33, that preserves the same dependence on Eotvos number as the Tomiyama model.

2.1.6 Turbulent dispersion

The drift velocity models of the previous sections do not take into account the effect of the turbulence. In this aim, Ishii (1975) proposed a term to be added to the gas drift velocity:

                          νT ∂αG
Vgdi = Vg,no diffusioni + αL--------
                         PrT  ∂xi

where νT is the turbulent kinematic viscosity and PrT is the turbulent Schmidt number.

2.2 Phase change modelling

Phase change phenomenon is divided into phase change happening in the bulk and phase change happening near a wall (heated or cooled). The latter is called heterogeneous phase change.

2.2.1 Phase change in the bulk

Phase change happening in the bulk of the fluid (away from the flow boundaries) can be phenomenologically split into different phase change modes, such as,

where the first two are thermally limited phase change phenomena and the last two are inertial phase change phenomena where the spontaneous phase change is related to rapid pressure changes. Currently, homogeneous condensation models are not available in TransAT.

Dispersed-phase phase change

This mode of phase change is defined as phase change that happens under thermal non-equilibrium under conditions where the phases are well mixed. The phase change rate is limited by the temperature difference (T - Tsat and the interfacial area density. The model available in TransAT is based on the Ranz-Marshall Nusselt number model (Ranz & Marshall1952). The mass transfer rate (kgm3) is given as,

m˙′′′ = q-a;    a = 6αd-                                  (2.37)
        L           dp
 ′′     -λ                          1   2
q  = Nu dp(T - Tsat);     Nu = 2 + Re2Pr 3                (2.38)
where ′′′ is the volumetric phase change rate in kg∕(m3s), q′′ is the interfacial heat flux, a is the interfacial area density, L is the latent heat of vaporization or condensation, Nu is Nusselt number, dp is the droplet/bubble diameter, Re is the droplet Reynolds number based on the slip velocity and Tsat is the saturation temperature at the local pressure. The bubble/droplet diameter is specified as an input. The system can be forced into phase/thermal equilibrium by specifying ever lower values for dp.
Interfacial phase change

The main difference between the interfacial and the dispersed phase change models is the fact that for conditions where the phases are separated, one can obtain an estimate for the real interfacial area using the gradient of the volume fraction. Interfacial phase change has been split into two cases in TransAT,

Interfacial thermal diffusion phase change model, and
Interfacial shear phase change model.

The interfacial shear phase change model is based on the proposal by Banerjee (Lakehal & Labois2011b) where,

m˙′′′ = ---;    a = ∇ α                                  (2.39)
        Lλ                            1
q′′ = Nu---(T - Tsat);    Nu = CRe τPr 2                 (2.40)
Re τ =   μ                                              (2.41)
where ′′′ is the volumetric phase change rate in kg∕(m3s), q′′ is the interfacial heat flux, a is the interfacial area density, L is the latent heat of vaporization or condensation, Nu is Nusselt number, Reτ is the interfacial shear Reynolds number based on the interfacial shear velocity uτI, and Tsat is the saturation temperature at the local pressure.

Substitution the expression for Nu into the heat flux equation we obtain,

  ′′      - 1 I
q  = CPr   2uτρCp(T - Tsat);

where C is the only model parameter. Note that this closed form expression is a special case due the fact that the exponent of the Reynolds number in the Nusselt number expression is 1.

In case the velocities are zero, the interfacial shear phase change model will predict zero mass transfer rate. The phase change in this case can occur due to thermal non-equilibrium which propagates by diffusion. Two models are available for interfacial diffusion phase change, viz. the Schrage model and the relaxation model.

For the Schrage model the heat transfer rate is given as,

           ∘ -----  2  [       ]
q′′ = -2Ac--   Mw---L--- 1--- 1- (T - Tsat)
     2 - Ac   2πR T3s∕a2t  ρv   ρl

where, Ac is the accommodation coefficient that is a material constant.

For the relaxation model (which is only valid for very diffusive problems) the heat transfer rate is given as,

q  = (λv + λl)(T - Tsat)∇ α

When the dispersed and interfacial models are both active, then the two models are blended based on the magnitude of α, where the interfacial model is chosen if the gradient is significant and vice-versa.

Cavitation models

We start with the condition of vapour bubbles in liquid of radius RB with a nucleate density per unit volume of liquid (n0). If we consider a volume Ω = ΩV + ΩL, then,

       ΩV =  αVΩ =  n0ΩL --R3B
                     4π  3
          αV  = n0αL --R3B  or                         (2.45)
                     3(4π  3)
α  = ---ΩV----=  -n0---3( R-B-)-                        (2.46)
 V   ΩL +  ΩV    1+ n0  4πR3B
where Eq. (2.46) is given in Yuan et al. (2001)(Eq. 5) and Eq. (2.45) is the same as given in Deimel et al. (2014)(Eq. 13).

The bubble radius can be expressed using Eq. (2.45) as,

      (        )1 ∕3
RB  =   αV--3---
        αL 4πn0

The other starting point for cavitation models is the simplified form of the Rayleigh-Plesset equation for bubble growth given as,

                  ∘ ----------
dR                  2 |p  - p |
---B-= sgn(pV - p)  ----V-----
 dt                 3   ρL

The radius grows if p < pV and shrinks if p > pV . An expression for V ∕dt using Eq. (2.45) is obtained by assuming that n0 does not change with time,

                (     )
dαV- = α  α -3-   dRB--
 dt     V  LRB     dt

The definition of mixture density (ρ = ρL + αV (ρV - ρL)) is used to simplify the mixture continuity equation to obtain,

                  (               )
∂umj- = (ρL---ρV)  ∂-αV + umj ∂αV-
 ∂xj        ρ       ∂t        ∂xJ

under the assumption of incompressibility. Further in the absence of slip between the vapour and liquid phases (homogeneous flow), we can write the above equation as,

∂umj    (ρL - ρV) ( dαV )
----- = ---------   ----
 ∂xj        ρ        dt

Under the assumptions of incompressibility and homogeneous flow the following expression for the divergence of the velocity field is obtained,

       (         )
∂umj-=   -1-- -1-  ˙m ′′′
∂xj      ρV   ρL     e

where the subscript e denotes evaporation. Using Eqs. (2.51,2.52,2.49) we obtain an expression for the evaporation rate as,

  ′′′   ρLρV        3 ( dRB )
˙m e = --ρ--αV αL R--  -dt--

Sauer cavitation model

The model of Yuan et al. (2001) is derived by plugging Eqs. (2.48,2.47) in to Eq. (2.53) to obtain,

                                  ∘ ----------
  ′′′     ρL ρV       3              2 |pV - p|
m˙e   =  --ρ--αV αL R--sgn(pV - p)  3---ρ-----               (2.54)
         (         ) B                   L
           αV---3-- 1∕3
 RB   =    αL 4πn0                                           (2.55)
The problem with this model arises due to the fact that in a pure liquid αV = 0 which makes the evaporation rate zero. Therefore an initial nucleation radius is introduced (R0) and the related αV 0 can be calculated based on Eq. (2.46). The final model is written as,
                                                 ∘ ----------
˙m ′′′ =   ρLρV-(αV + αV 0)(αL - αV 0)-3-sgn(pV - p)  2|pV---p|        (2.56)
  e        ρ                       RB              3   ρL
         (                )1∕3
RB   =    (αV-+-αV-0)--3--                                          (2.57)
          (αL(- αV 0))4πn0
           n0 4πR30
αV0  =   ------3(4π--3)                                              (2.58)
         1+ n0   3 R 0
The model has two input parameters n0 and R0, where typical values are n0 = 108 and R0 = 10-6 as in Deimel et al. (2014).
Singhal cavitation model

Eq. (9) in Singhal et al. (2002) was found to be not correct. This means that Eq. (10) in Singhal et al. (2002) should actually be,

D-ρ                 1∕3    2∕3       4∕3DRB--
Dt =  - (ρl - ρv)(n4π ) (3α) (1 - α)    Dt

using the notation of Singhal et al. (2002). In fact, with this correction the basic unadulterated expression for the mass transfer rate (Singhal et al. (2002):Eq. (13)) is the same as Eq. (2.53)

In this model the closure for RB is provided using critical Weber number considerations based on stable bubble size under aerodynamic drag.

W ed∞  = ρL(ujL---ujV)-Dd∞--

where Dd is the bubble diameter at the end of the fragmentation process (stable diameter). Typically a value between 5 < Wed < 20 is quoted in the literature (Kolev2002). By rearranging equation 2.60 for Dd, we get

      Dd ∞    W ed∞ σ
RB  = --2--=  2ρ--v2--
                L  rel

Substituting Eq. (2.61) into Eq. (2.53) we obtain

                                    ∘ ----------
˙m ′′′ = ρLρV-α  α  3(2ρLv2rel)sgn(p -  p)  2|pV---p|
  e     ρ   V  L W  ed∞σ       V       3   ρL

In order to derive the exact model given in Singhal et al. (2002), we rearrange the equation as follows,

                                              ∘ ----------
  ′′′  [  6v2   ]( ρL)                            2|pV - p|
m˙e =  ----rel--   --- (ρV αV)(ρLαL )sgn (pV - p)   ---------
       W  ed∞ σ    ρ                              3  ρL

Expressing the term in the square brackets as CV ch∕σ, where C is a (dimensional with units of velocity) empirical constant, and V ch is a characteristic velocity, we get,

                                          ∘ ----------
  ′′′    Vch ( ρL)                           2 |pV - p|
m˙e = C ---   --- (ρVαV )(ρLαL)sgn(pV - p)  ----------
         σ    ρ                             3   ρL

The final form of the model is obtained by using different coefficients for the evaporation and condensation rates. In addition, the volume fraction of vapour is removed from the evaporation rate equation and the volume fraction of of liquid is removed from the condensation rate equation. This is necessary since for a pure liquid αV is initially zero thereby making the evaporation rate zero. Introducing these changes, we get

                                        ∘ ----------
  ′′′        V   (ρ  )                       2|p  - p|
˙m e  =  Ce -ch  -L-  ρV(ρLαL )sgn (pV - p)   ---V-----            (2.65)
            σ    ρ                      ∘  3---ρL----
           V  ( ρ  )                       2|p  - p|
˙m ′′′c  =  Cc -ch  -L-  ρL(ρVαV )sgn(p- pV )  ---V-----            (2.66)
            σ    ρ                         3   ρL
The volume fraction need to be converted to mass fraction in order to compare with Eqs. (15-16) in Singhal et al. (2002). We obtain,
                    [          ]1∕2
m˙′′′  =  Ce VchρVρL  2-(pV --p)    YL                    (2.68)
  e          σ       3   ρL
  ′′′        V       [2(p - p )]1∕2
m˙c   =  Cc -chρLρL  -------V-    YV                     (2.69)
            σ        3   ρL
The model is closed by choosing V ch =   --
√ k and the velocities Ce = 0.02 and Cc = 0.01. The effect of turbulence on the vapour pressure is accounted for by writing,
     p′turb = 0.39ρk                                (2.71)
pV = psat + p′ ∕2                                (2.72)
Implementation in TransAT

The evaporative mass transfer rate is written using an indicator function due to the change in coefficients and the appropriate volume fraction as follows.

                                                    ∘ ----------
  ′′′   Vch ( ρ2ρV )                                    2 |pV - p|
m˙e =  ---  -L---  [(1 - Ie)CcαV  + IeCe αL]sgn(pV - p)  ----------
       σ      ρ                                       3   ρL

where the indicator function Ie is 1 if p < pV and 0 other wise and can be expressed as

     1+ sgn(pV - p)
Ie = ------2--------

2.2.2 Wall Heat Flux Modeling during Subcooled Nucleate Boiling

General Formulation

For the liquid phase, the heat flux from the wall to the liquid are transferred through the following means: heat convection to the liquid phase away from the nucleation sites, microlayer evaporation and quenching. In nucleate subcooled boiling, the wall heat is utilised in forming bubbles and heating the liquid. According to Kurul & Podowski (1991), the total convective heat flux from the wall is the sum of three models:

 ′′     ′′    ′′   ′′
qNB  = q1ϕ + qe + qQ

where q1ϕ′′ is the single-phase convective heat flux, qe′′ is the heat flux associated with phase change and qQ′′ is the quenching flux, during the dwell time.

Single-Phase Heat Flux

In the portion of the wall unaffected by the bubbles, the heat transfer from the wall to the liquid can be determined by:

 ′′    ′′
q1ϕ = A1ϕStP ρlcplul(Tw - Tl)

Now, A1ϕ′′ is the fraction of the wall unaffected by the nucleation sites, ρl is the liquid density, cpl is the liquid specific heat, Tw is the wall temperature, Tl is the temperature of the liquid. StP is the Stanton Number calculated from heat transfer correlation in terms of the local liquid velocity and Prandtl Number. StP could be written as,

StP =  -N-u---
       Re ⋅Pr

where Nu, the Nusselt Number, is provided by the Ranz-Marshall correlation.

N u = 2 + 0.6Re 12P r0.3

or from the correlation found in Vyskocil & Macek (2008)

          ( ∘ -----     )
N u = max     4P-e, 12-,2
                π   π

Re, Pr and Pe are the Reynolds, Prandtl and Peclet numbers respectively.

Evaporative Heat Flux

Taking into account the effect of area overlapping between the neighboring sites, the the evaporative heat flux , qe′′ is given by E. Krepper & Egorov (2007), becomes

 ′′  2-ddet   ′′      ′′
qe = 3  a2ρvA 2ϕfdetN  hfg

where ρv is the vapor density, hfg is the latent heat of vaporisation, ab2 is the bubble influence factor having a value of 2. The area fraction under the influence of bubbles, A2ϕ′′ is given by

           (         2  )
A ′′2ϕ = min  π (abddet)-,1

where ddet is the bubble diameter at departure, which depends on the local liquid subcooling:

          (          (- ΔTsub)         )
ddet = min  0.6[mm ]e    45  ,1.4[mm ]

Here, ΔTsub is the difference between the saturation temperature and the liquid temperature.

ΔTsub = Tsat - Tl

In Eq. 2.80, fdet is the frequency of nucleation. In general, A simpler estimation of the bubble departure frequency as ratio of the terminal rise velocity over the bubble departure diameter is:

      ∘ -----------
f   =    4g(ρl --ρg)
 det       3ddetρl

where g is the acceleration due to gravity. N′′ is the nucleation site density

  ′′               1.805
N   = 185(Tw - Tl)

Quenching Heat Flux
 ′′    ′′
qQ =  A2ϕhQ (Tw - TL)

where hQ is the quenching heat transfer, given by

     -2--   ∘ --------
hQ = √ π-fdet  twklρlcpl

where, kl is the liquid thermal conductivity. Here, tw is the waiting time between the departure and the inception of the next bubble. It is assumed that the waiting time takes 80% of the bubble departure period. Hence,

tw =  ----

To close the model, Eq. 2.75 can be solved iteratively for the local wall temperature Tw

2.3 Ensemble-averaged N-phase flow

2.3.1 N-phase model

A mixture of N phases can be simulated with the following set of equations. Definitions are given below

        ∂        ∂  (      )
        -- ρm + ---- ρmV mj    =  0                                      (2.89)
        ∂t      ∂xj
        ∂αk-     -∂-(      )
      ρk ∂t + ρk ∂xj αkVkj    =  Sk                                     (2.90)
∂             ∂  (         )       ∂p     ∂  (             )
-- (ρmV im) + ---- ρmVimV mj    =  - ----+ ---- 2(μm + μT)Smij  + Sdmroifmt    (2.91)
∂t           ∂xj                   ∂xi( ( ∂xj      )      )
   m  m ∂T-m-   m  m   ∂T-m-     -∂--   μm-   -μmT-  ∂T-m-
  ρ  Cp  ∂t  + ρ  Cp uj ∂xj   =  ∂xj    P r + P rT   ∂xj                (2.92)
                      ∑  α    =  1                                      (2.93)
with the subscript k denoting the phase index and the superscript m denoting a mixture variable, and α being the volume fraction. Mixture variables are defined as follows
     Mixture density     ρm =     αkρk                      (2.94)
                               N∑ αkρkVk
     Mixture velocity    V m =  k=1--m----                    (2.95)
Mixture heat capacity ρmCm  =  N∑  α ρ C                     (2.96)
                          p   k=1  k k  p,k
    Mixture viscosity     μm =     αkμk                      (2.97)
Note also that mixture viscosity can also be modelled. This will be detailed in the following section.

2.3.2 Turbulence equations

For modelling the effect of turbulence for the N-phase flow, only the turbulent kinetic energy k and dissipation rate ε of the mixture are solved for. Also, it is assumed that all the constants of the k - ε model are the standard values for single phase flow. Equations for the turbulent variables can then be written

∂ρmk     ∂   m            ∂ ( μT  ∂k )        m
-∂t--+  ∂x-(ρ  ujk)  =   ∂x-- σ--∂x--  + P - ρ ε                   (2.98)
  m       j                j(   k   j)
∂ρ--ε + -∂--(ρmu  ε)  =   -∂-- μT--∂ε-  + ε-(c  P  - c  ρmε)         (2.99)
 ∂t     ∂xj     j        ∂xj  σ ε∂xj     k  1,ε     2,ε

2.4 Mixture viscosity

2.4.1 Suspension viscosity model

In a suspension, the flow is disturbed by the presence of a dispersed phase. If the concentration of the dispersed phase increases, the particle or droplet will feel an increased resistance of the flow, which results in a higher drag coefficient. This can be taken into account by modifying the mixture viscosity (Ishii & Zuber1979Hallanger et al.1995Manninen & Taivassalo1996). In this section, subscript c denotes continuous phase, while d denotes dispersed phase.

2.4.2 Suspended drops or bubbles

For a mixture including suspended drops or particles, Ishii & Zuber (1979) developed an apparent viscosity expression, which reads

               - 2.5μd +-0.4μc-
μm = μc (1- αd)      μd + μc

2.4.3 Solid suspensions

Several correlations are available for suspensions of solid particles. Ishii & Zuber (1979) propose the following expression

        (        ) -2.5αCP
μm = μc  1 - -αd-

with αCP is the close packing volume fraction, usually taken between 0.62 and 0.65 for solid particles.

Mooney (cited in Manninen & Taivassalo (1996)) proposed the following correlation

           (   2.5 αd  )
μm =  μcexp  1---1.4α--

Finally, Mills (1985) derived the following equation for a suspension of hard spheres of equal sizes

μm  = μc(--1--αd-)-
         1 - -αd- 2

with αCP = 4

Chapter 3
Particle Tracking Models

3.1 Mathematical formulation

3.1.1 Momentum equations

The equation governing the particle motion is the well known example given by Maxey & Riley (1983). The equation is valid for a rigid sphere in non-uniform flow such that the sphere is isolated and far from any boundary, the Reynolds number for the relative motion between the particle and the fluid is small, and the particle size is much smaller than the smallest flow length scale. The equation is given as follows,

dupi        ρf        ρf Dui    ρf d             18μ
-dt- = (1-  ρ-)gi +   ρ--Dt--- 2ρ--dt(upi - ui)- ρ-d2 (upi - ui)
             p         p  ∘ ---- ∫p               p p
                      --9-   μρf-  td∕dτ(upi --ui)
                  -   ρpdp    π   0    √t----τ   dτ                   (3.1)
where d∕dt denotes the time derivative along the particle path, and D∕Dt denotes the time derivative following a fluid element. The terms in the right-hand side of Eq. (3.1) are referred to as the buoyancy, fluid (due to the fluid pressure gradient and viscous stresses), added-mass, Stokes drag, and Basset forces. For the case of particles much heavier than the fluid, Elghobashi & Truesdell (1992) have shown that the only significant forces are the Stokes drag, buoyancy, and Basset forces. They also found that the Basset force was always an order of magnitude smaller than the drag and buoyancy forces.

Other forms of the forces and additional forces can be used under different circumstances.

Drag force

In the Stokes regime, drag force applied to the particle is written

⃗FD,Stokes = ρ-d2(⃗upi - ⃗ui)
            p p

For a higher Reynolds number based on particles, the Clift-Gauvin correlation can be used, where

F⃗D,CG  = f-18μ(u⃗p -  ⃗ui)
          ρpd2p   i

with a friction factor f being equal to

              2∕3            (     4.2510 -4)- 1
f = 1+ 0.15Re p  + 0.0175Rep   1+  -Re1.16-

with the particle Reynolds being defined by

      ρf-|u⃗pi --⃗ui|dP
Rep =       μ

Lift force

The standard small particle (under the Stokes flow, Rep << 1 condition) does not include a lift force under the assumption of uniform flow upstream of the particle. However under non-uniform fluid flow upstream of a particle a lift force exists as proposed by Saffman,

                ∘ -μρ-
F⃗L,Saff = 1.61D2    --f(⃗u - ⃗v)× ⃗ωc

Auton (1987) derived the lift force acting on a sphere in shear flow under inviscid flow conditions as,

⃗FL,Auton = CL ρfVp⃗ωc × (⃗u - ⃗v)

For small particles, both of these lift forces are small when compared to the drag and buoyancy forces. The lift force is also small if the dispersed phase is much heavier than the fluid (solid particles or droplets in gas). However, for bubbly flow the lift force could be significant.

Magnus Lift

The lift force due to particle rotation (Magnus force) is given for low Reynolds number by Rubinow & Keller (1961) as,

         π     [ (1           )         ]
⃗FL,Mag = --d3pρf   --∇ × ⃗u-  ωp  × (⃗u- ⃗v)
          8       2

where ωp is the particle rotation, and 1
2∇×⃗u is the fluid rotation at the particle position. Rewriting it in a general form with a lift coefficient CL,Mag we get,

         1                 ( (⃗u- ⃗v) × ω )
⃗FL,Mag = -ρf |⃗u - ⃗v|CL,MagA   ----------r-
         2                       |ωr|

where A is the projected area of the particle, and ωr = ωp -12∇×⃗u is the relative rotation between the particle and the fluid phase. The lift coefficient for low Reynolds number is then given as

CL,Mag = |⃗u - ⃗v|

Lift coefficient of Oesterl & Dinh (1998)

                                      0.4  0.7
CL,Mag = 0.45 + (2γ - 0.45)exp(- 0.075γ   Rep  )

where γ, which is called the spin rate, is given as

γ = 2|⃗u--⃗v|

where Rep is the particle Reynolds number.

Two-way Coupling

When two-way coupling is activated the forces acting on the particles also enter the Navier-Stokes equations by means of an additional fluid-particle interaction force Ffp. For example the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations become

                 ∂x-- =   0                                          (3.13)
∂-(ρui) + -∂--(ρuiuj)  =   - ∂p-+  ∂(σij)-+ ρgi + F fp; i = 1,2,3      (3.14)
∂t        ∂xj               ∂xi    ∂xj          i
where ρ represents the fluid density, gi is the acceleration of gravity, μ is the molecular viscosity and σij is the viscous stress tensor of the fluid. ρ and μ are considered as constant for these incompressible equations. Note that the Einstein summation convention applies to repeated indices.

Fifp is the component of the fluid-particle interaction force per unit volume in the cartesian direction i,i = 1,2,3. As reported by Narayanan et al. (2002), for a given grid cell m, Fifp takes the following form
 fp   ∑Np ρnpVpn n     n  m
Fi,m =     -----fi W (x ,x  )
      n=1 ρfVm

where n is the particle index, Np is the total number of particles, V p is the particle volume, ρf is the fluid density, V m is the volume of the finite-volume cell, fi is the component of the fluid-particle interaction force in direction i on a single particle located at xn and W is the projection weight of the force onto the cell node m located at xm.

3.1.2 Particle Angular momentum equation

Ip-dt-i= Ti

where Ip is the moment of inertia, and Ti is the torque acting on the particle. The torque acting on a spherical particle in Stokes flow is given as

Ti = - πμfdpωri

For higher Reynolds numbers (up to 1000)

Ti = - 2.01μf d3pωri(1 + 0.201Re 2ω)

where Reω = ρfωpdp24μf.

3.1.3 Temperature equation

Each particle is assumed to be represented by a uniform temperature Tp. This assumption is valid under low particle Biot (Bip) number conditions, where Bip = Nupλ∕λp. The rate of change of particle temperature is given as:

dTp-=  N-up(Tf(xp)- Tp )
 dt    2τTp

where, Nup is the particle Nusselt number given as

N u  = 2 + 0.6Re 12P r13
   p            p

τpT is the particle thermal response time defined as

 T   ρpCpd2p
τp = --12λ--

Tf(xp) is the fluid temperature at the particle position, Cp is the particle heat capacity, and λ is the fluid thermal conductivity.

3.2 Particle Dispersion

This section describes the capabilities of TransAT for particle dispersion modelling using Langevin equation. The particle dispersion model is used in combination with the Reynolds-Averaged turbulence modelling approach.

3.2.1 Langevin model

The particle fluctuation variance (σp) is defined as a function of the fluid fluctuation variance (σf) and the particle response time as:

       (     τp  )-1∕2
σp = σf  1+ ----
            K τf

where τf = MIN(τer) is the effective eddy time scale, τp = ρpdp218μ is the particle inertial response time, K = 1 + 0.15Rep23 is the drag correction for finite Reynolds number, and σf = √C--k-
   σ. The model constants Cτ and Cσ correspond to the input variables tauL_constant and sigmaF_constant, respectively and are assigned default values of 0.11 and 1.69√ ----
  Cmu 0.5, respectively (Lakehal et al.1995).

In τf, τe = Cτk∕ϵ is the local eddy life time in an Eulerian sense, and τr = Le|up -uf| is the time taken by the particle to travel through the eddy (residence time), where Le = Cμ34k32∕ϵ is the characteristic length scale of an eddy.

The particle velocity fluctuation equation is written as follows:

                 (   )1 ∕2
du ′pi     u′pi        2
-dt- = - τ′-+ σp   τ′-    ζ(t)
          pi        pi

where τpi is the particle response time to turbulent fluctuations and ζ(t) is a random function with a Gaussian probability density distribution and zero mean. The turbulent particle response time is given as:

                (        )
τp′=  ∘--σpτf---  1+ -τp-
  i     σ2p + uri     K τf

where uri is the terminal velocity due to action of body forces such as gravity.

3.3 Dense Particle Modelling

3.3.1 Eulerian-Lagrangian dense particle model

The Eulerian-Lagrangian formulation for dense particle flows featuring non-negligible volume fractions (αP > 1%) in incompressible flow conditions is implemented in the CMFD code TransAT as follows (mass and momentum equations for the fluid phase and Lagrangian particle equation of motion):

∂αρ   ∂ αρuj-
----+ ------ = 0
∂t      ∂xj

    --       ----        ---        ---  ---
∂-αρui + ∂α-ρuiuj-=  -∂--(Πij - τij) + Fb - FP
  ∂t       ∂xj      ∂xj

DuP--i      --9μ--
  Dt  = - fd2ρpd2 (uPi - ui[xP (t)])+ gi + Fi,coll

fd = 1+ 0.15Re P

       ρd ΔU
ReP  = --P----f-P-

where α is the in-cell volume of fluid (α + αP = 1), u is the velocity of the carrier phase, uP is the particle velocity, u[xp] is the fluid velocity interpolated on to the particle position, ReP is the particle Reynolds number, ΔUf-P is the relative velocity between the particle and fluid at the particle position, Π is the sum of viscous stress σ and pressure p, τ is the turbulent stress tensor (depending whether RANS, V-LES or LES is employed to deal with turbulence). Sources terms in (3.26) denote body forces, Fb,and the rate of momentum exchange per volume between the fluid and particle phases, FP . Various drag correlations are available in the literature to account for higher volume fractions of particles; also the fluid viscosity can be modified based on the volume fraction of particles. In (3.27), Fcoll denotes the inter-particle stress. The momentum equation (3.26) presented here does not neglect viscous and turbulent diffusion mechanisms in the fluid phase. The inter-phase drag model in (3.27) is set according to Gydaspow (1989)

3.3.2 Four-way coupling modelling

The fluid-independent collision force Fcoll is made dependent on the gradient of the inter-particle stress, π, using

Fcoll = -∇π--

Collisions between particles are estimated by the isotropic part of the inter-particle stress (its off-diagonal elements are neglected.). π is modelled as a continuum stress (Harris & Crighton1994), viz.

π = max (αc - αP;ε (1- αP ))

In TransAT, the particle field is predicted in a Lagrangian way first, then high-order accurate interpolations are resorted to map the Eulerian field (to estimate π), then back again to the Lagrangian system to determine Fcoll). The constant Ps has units of pressure, and αc is the particle volume fraction at close packing (typically specified to be 0.6), and constant β is set according to F.M. Auzerais & Russel (1988). The ε is a small number in the order of 10-7.

Collision/Contact Pressure Models
Snider Model

The collisional pressure model of Snider (2001) is defined as,

pp = ----------Ppαp----------
     max [αp,cp - αp,ε(1- αp)]

where Pp, β are model constants and ε = 10-7 is a small number that prevents the sign of the collision pressure from changing for αp > αp,cp. Typical values for the model constants are given in Table 3.1.

Constant Value Units TransAT

Pp 50.0 Nm2 Ps_Snider

β 3 Beta_Snider

αp,cp 0.60 closepack

epp 1.0 particle_restitution

Table 3.1: Constants for Snider (2001) model.

Jackson Model

The frictional collisional pressure of Johnson & Jackson (1987) is defined as,

pp =    0 (α -α    )r  ifαp < αp,min
        F (pαp,cpp,-mαinp)s-- ifαp ≥ αp,min

where typical values for the constants are given in Table 3.2. The Jackson model is envisaged as an add-on to kinetic models for granular flows and therefore has a cut-off particle volume fraction below which it is set to zero. The Jackson model becomes qualitatively similar to the Snider model (Snider2001), if αp,min = 0.

In order to apply the Jackson model in Lagrangian particle tracking, the change in sign of the denominator for αp > αp,cp must be disallowed. Therefore, the Jackson model is implemented in TransAT in a way similar to the Snider model.

       0                      ifαp < αp,min
pp =   F -----(αp-αp,mins)r----- ifαp ≥ αp,min

Constant Value Units TransAT

F 0.005 Nm2 F_Jackson

s 5 S_Jackson

r 2 R_Jackson

αp,min 0.45 vfmin_Jackson

αp,cp 0.60 closepack

Table 3.2: Constants for Johnson & Jackson (1987) model.

3.4 Particle-boundary collision

The modelling of particle-boundary collision in TransAT is based on the hard sphere model described in Crowe et al. (1998). This model is applied to interactions of particles with solid wall boundaries, embedded objects and symmetry planes.

3.4.1 Hard sphere model

The hard sphere model for particle-wall collision is based on the integrated form of the momentum equations of classical dynamics, where the deformation of the particle does not appear explicitly in the formulation.
The translational velocity ⃗vp and angular velocity ⃗ωp after the collision is calculated from the corresponding quantities before collision, the coefficient of restitution e and kinetic (sliding) friction f.
The deformation of the particle upon collision is assumed to be negligible. The particles are allowed to slide along the wall, where Coulomb’s friction law is applied during this process. It is assumed that once a particle has stopped sliding there is no further sliding.

The coefficient of restitution e is regarded as a property of the material and is the ratio of the normal component of impulse in the compression period to that in the recovery period:

e = Jn----

Coulomb’s law states that the friction force is the product of the normal force and the coefficient of kinetic friction f. The friction force results in a change of the tangential component of impulse during the sliding period according to

ΔJt = - fJy⃗t

with ⃗t corresponding to the unit vector in the direction of tangential velocity.

Note that the particle collision model is formulated for stationary boundaries. If the boundaries are moving, the particle tangential velocities are transformed into a new, moving frame of reference, which has the same velocity as the moving boundary, before the model equations are applied. Afterwards they are transformed back to the original frame of reference.

3.4.2 Collision with wall boundary

Depending on whether the particle stops sliding during the collision process or continues throughout, the translational and angular velocity of the particle after collision are calculated as follows (assuming a plane wall with a normal vector in the positive y-direction):
If vy0 |vp| < - 2_____ 7f(e+1), then

vx = 5 7(vx0 - dp 5 ωz0) (3.37)
vy = -evy0 (3.38)
vz = 5 7(vz0 + dp 5 ωx0) (3.39)
ωx = 2vz dp (3.40)
ωy = ωy0 (3.41)
ωz = -2vx dp (3.42)

If - 2_____ 7f(e+1) < vy0 |vp| < 0, then

vx = vx0 + ε xf(e + 1)vy0 (3.43)
vy = -evy0 (3.44)
vz = vz0 + ε zf(e + 1)vy0 (3.45)
ωx = ωx0 - 5 _ dpεzf(e + 1)vy0 (3.46)
ωy = ωy0 (3.47)
ωz = ωz0 - 5 _ dpεxf(e + 1)vy0 (3.48)

The superscript 0 denotes the initial state before collision and εx,z corresponds to the components of the tangential velocity unit vector in the respective direction, i.e. they satisfy the following equation.

ε2+ ε2 = 1
 x   z

3.4.3 Collision with symmetry boundary

When particles collide with a symmetry boundary the collision model coefficients of restitution and friction take the following values

e = 1.0
f = 0.0 (3.50)

In this case the denominator of the condition for distinction becomes zero and the following relation holds for all non-zero particle velocities.

- ----2----<  vy--
  7f(e + 1)   |vp|

The corresponding equations for the translational and rotational velocities after collision simplify to

vx = vx0 (3.52)
vy = -vy0 (3.53)
vz = vz0 (3.54)
ωx = ωx0 (3.55)
ωy = ωy0 (3.56)
ωz = ωz0 (3.57)

i.e. only the sign of the wall normal velocity component is changed, the remaining translational velocity components and the rotational velocities do not change, thus the total translational and rotational momentum is conserved.

Chapter 4
Hydrates Modelling

Hydrates modelling is available in TransAT in conjunction with the N-phase mixture model (See Chapter Phase-Average Mixture Models).

4.1 Hydrate Formation Kinetics

Two models have been implemented for hydrate formation: finite–rate kinetics model (Vysniauskas & Bishnoi1983) and instantaneous formation models as formation kinetics can be considered to be negligible compared to the other time scales of the flow.

4.1.1 Finite Rate Kinetics

A finite-rate kinetics model for the formation of hydrates (based on interfacial super-saturation) was implemented in TransAT. It is called the Bishnoi model. This model (Vysniauskas & Bishnoi1983) is as follows:

             ΔEa          a      γ
r = Aas exp(--RT--)exp(- ΔT-b)⋅P

with the default values used for the constants listed in Table 4.1.

Constant Value

A 4.55 × 10-26 --cm3----

ΔEa 106204 Jgmol

γ 2.986

a 0.078Kb

b 2.411

Table 4.1: Hydrates kinetics model (Vysniauskas & Bishnoi1983)

4.1.2 Instantaneous Kinetics

The instantaneous formation model has been implemented in TransAT as follows.

4.2 Hydrate Dissociation and Melting

4.2.1 Instantaneous Hydrates Dissociation

An instantaneous hydrates dissociation model has been implemented in TransAT.

4.2.2 Heat Absorption

The formation of hydrates is exothermic. The dissociation of hydrates into water and gas phases is endothermic and results in absorption of heat locally. The enthalpy of dissociation is taken to be the same as the enthalpy of formation.

The heat absorbed is included in the mixture temperature equation as a sink term given by,

Qhy,diss = r˙dissHhy,diss[W ]

where Hhy,diss is the enthalpy of hydrate dissociation, and diss is the rate of dissociation of hydrates. With the dissociation and the related heat absorption, the hydrate volume fraction at any location is a non-linear dynamic balance between possible formation and dissociation (with a gap of Tsh - Tsc between the formation and dissociation limits for numerical stability).

4.3 Hydrate Rheology

A special hydrate rheology model has been implemented in TransAT.

First, the continuous phase is defined depending on the Water Cut. If it is more than 50%, water is the continuous phase. Otherwise, oil is the continuous phase.

The volume fraction of the dispersed phase is then calculated as follows

              α   + α
αd  =   --------oil----water-in-hydrates-------  If water is the continuous phase
        αfree water + αoil + αwater in hydrates

        αfree water + αwater in hydrates
αd  =   ---α---+-α---------------------        else
             oil    water in hydrates

where αwater in hydrates = hydrates, with H the hydration number. The viscosity of the slurry is then calculated using Mills law (Mills1985):

                      1 - αeff
μslurry = μcontinuous(---------)2
                      1- ααmefafx


         ( τ )x
αeff = αd  τ-

where τ denotes the instantaneous shear stress. For numerical reasons, in the implementation τ0 cannot be smaller than 10-6 Pa and αeff must not be larger than 0.997αmax.


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